Taylor Swift gets ‘green light’ police escort, UK government in dispute

Taylor Swift được cảnh sát hộ tống 'đèn xanh', nội bộ Chính phủ Anh tranh cãi - Ảnh 1.
Taylor Swift on tour in London (UK) – Photo: GETTY IMAGES

In August 2024, while touring in London (UK), Taylor Swift was escorted by British police with a “green light”.

This is a special form of escort, usually only for royals or high-ranking officials, even Prince Harry has been refused many times.

Taylor Swift threatens to cancel show when not escorted

The escort was requested by Taylor Swift’s mother, Andrea, after concerts in Vienna, Austria, were cancelled due to terrorist threats and a fatal stabbing at a “Swift”-themed yoga session in Southport, England.

According to The Sun , London Mayor Sadiq Khan and UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have entered into talks with the Metropolitan Police to provide extra security for Taylor Swift on her way to Wembley Stadium.

Taylor Swift được hộ tống gây tranh cãi nội bộ Chính phủ Anh - Ảnh 2.
Taylor Swift được hộ tống gây tranh cãi nội bộ Chính phủ Anh - Ảnh 3.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan and British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper – Photo: X

Initially, the police were also very cautious about providing an escort because this represented a particularly political situation, and they even sought legal advice from Attorney General Richard Hermer (head of the UK Ministry of Justice).

However, the British Government believes it is right for ministers to work together to ensure the major cultural event goes ahead.

The Guardian and many other newspapers have suggested that the tour is likely to be cancelled due to the terrorist threat.

Taylor Swift eventually got the green light to escort the tour on.

Internal controversy over hospitality

Taylor Swift được hộ tống gây tranh cãi nội bộ Chính phủ Anh - Ảnh 4.
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson criticized the escort – Photo: REX

Although the British police’s move has received support for its hospitality, some right-wing politicians say it is unfair.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that escorting the green light for Taylor Swift was special treatment.

“The British Labour government is deeply indebted to Taylor Swift and fears she will cancel her concerts in August,” Boris criticized.

Some viewers commented that escorting Taylor Swift violated the country’s traditional rules.

Senior officials involved in the case have also been criticised for receiving tickets to Taylor Swift’s London tour dates.

Although the invitation was given before the escort decision was made, audiences still believe that this is the reason Taylor Swift received this privilege.

However, two former British Prime Ministers of the British Labour Party, Mr. Tony Blair and Mr. John McTernan, said this was the right decision.

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“We know that terrorists will attack fans at music concerts. This is a serious threat that must be dealt with seriously,” former prime minister John McTernan explained.

UK Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Lisa Nandy, also said that this was a decision that “did not have undue influence”.

Currently, the controversy over the incident is still ongoing and Taylor Swift has not given any response.

It is known that Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour often generates revenue for the host country.

The singer’s London tour is worth an estimated £1 billion to the UK economy, with 1.2 million people attending her shows in the country.

Taylor Swift được hộ tống gây tranh cãi nội bộ Chính phủ Anh - Ảnh 5. Billionaire Elon Musk ‘waging war’ with Taylor Swift

After singer Taylor Swift announced her support for Ms. Harris, billionaire Elon Musk – a close friend of Mr. Trump – responded shockingly.

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